Early in the season, beet greens are tender and mild, and baby beets are sweet and savory. I have been trying for years to master the "grilled baby beets" with the beet still attached to the greens. I've eaten them where the beets are juicy and sweet, while the greens are wilted but not burnt. I have never been able to master this feat, and hats off to any home chefs who can! However, I can still eat perfect grilled baby beets, I simply cook the greens and roots separately. Enjoy! - Diane

You will need:
1 Bunch of Baby Beets with Beet Greens attached
Salt, Pepper, and dried herbs of your choice
Olive Oil or Coconut Oil
Half of a Lemon
Splash of Maple Syrup
Splash of Balsamic Vinegar

Grilled Baby Beets

Preheat your grill, medium heat.

While the beets are still in their bunches, take a sharp knife, and cut off the stringy roots. Then, scrub the beets under running water until all excess dirt is gone. Finally, put the bunches back on the cutting board, and cut the stems off, just under the rubber band. This will leave about 1 inch of stem attached. Any beets that are larger than the rest can be cut in half so cooking time is consistent.

Put a sheet of tinfoil on the counter. Spread out the baby beets, and toss with olive oil, salt, and any herbs you like. I chose rosemary, savory, and garlic powder. Place an equal sized piece of tinfoil on top. Fold up the edges of both pieces together so the packet is sealed.

Place the packet on the grill. Indirect heat is best, but if it is over a direct flame, open the packet and stir things up after about 15 minutes. The baby beets will take around 30 minutes, depending on grill temp and size of the beets.

Use a fork to tell if the beets are tender. You can leave the skins on, or peel them off. I chose to leave mine on. When the beets are young, the skins are tender and flavorful!

Sauteed Beet Greens

Take the beet greens, chop them finely, and wash them in water in a colandar. Let them dry for a few minutes, and give them a quick toss.

In a hot wok (or medium-heat pan), melt 1 spoonful of coconut oil, or a healthy drizzle of olive oil. If you're using a wok, add all of the greens at once (if you're using a pan, cover pan with one layer of greens, and cook the rest in batches). Add a teaspoon of salt. Stir the greens every minute or two so the batch cooks consistently. You want the leaves to turn darker green and look glossy. 5-7 minutes should do the trick.

When they are done, turn off the heat. Squeeze one half of a lemon, a splash of balsamic vinegar, and a splash of maple syrup over the greens. Stir and serve!

