Donate — Jericho Settlers Farm, Inc.
VT Farm Share Donation
from $10.00

Our farm participates in the NOFA-VT Vermont Farm Share program. This program subsidizes CSA shares for members of our community who otherwise could not afford to join our CSA. Through the program, NOFA-VT will match each dollar that our CSA raises to offer reduced rates to income eligible individuals and families. VT Farm Share is made possible through your donations.

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The Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont is a nonprofit association of farmers, gardeners, and consumers working to increase the acreage of certified organic land in Vermont and increase the access of local organic food to all Vermonters.

Donations made online here are not tax deductible. To make a tax deductible donation please mail us a check made payable to “NOFA VT” and write “Jericho Settlers Farm” in the memo. We will forward it to NOFA, who will match your donation and grant it back to us. Thank you!