CSA Member Headquarters

Pickup Schedule

Dates, details, and everything else you need to know about our CSA Program. More >

Who to Contact

Christa Alexander, farm co-owner, is our CSA Coordinator and is the one to contact for CSA inquiries. Contact>

How Pickups Work and Missed Pickup Policy

Find out what to do, who to contact, and answers to other frequently asked questions. More>

2024 SPRING CSA Pickup Schedule


Vegetable and Settlervore pickups: Mondays:  3/18, 4/1, 4/15, 4/29, 5/13, 5/27
Tuesdays: 3/19, 4/2, 4/16, 4/30, 5/14, 5/28    Wednesdays: 3/20, 4/3, 4/17, 5/1, 5/15, 5/29  

Meat Medley and Salmon pickups:
Mondays: 4/1, 4/29, 5/27
Tuesdays: 4/2, 4/30, 5/28 Wednesdays: 4/3, 5/1, 5/29


  • Mondays: Farmstand in Jericho, 3-6 pm (drive thru)

  • Tuesdays:

    52 Locust St., south end, Burlington 4-6 pm

    ReSOURCE, Williston, 3-5 pm

  • Wednesdays:

    Richmond Community Kitchen, Richmond, 4-6pm

    SunCommon, Waterbury, 3-5pm

CSA Coordinator

Christa Alexander, farm co-owner, is currently our CSA Coordinator. You can reach Christa at csa@jerichosettlersfarm.com if you have questions about your share, if you are going to miss a pickup, or need additional assistance.  

Frequently Asked Questions



SPRING OFF FARM PICKUPS: Our pickup dates, times and locations for all off-farm pickup locations in Richmond, Williston, Waterbury, and Burlington are listed above on this webpage. All shares are pre-bagged, labeled with share size (veggie shares) or with your last name for meat and settlervore shares. There is a checklist at your pickup location showing what size and types of shares you ordered. Shares are in labeled coolers at most locations. At the beginning of the season we will send you an email with specifics on where to find your share(s) at your pickup location.

SPRING ON FARM PICKUPS: For the spring on-farm pickups we have Monday afternoon (3-6pm) pickup only (no Wednesday pickup during spring).  Shares are pre-bagged and available in our drive thru format at our pack barn. Drive up past the farmstand on your right and the greenhouse on your left to the barn attached to the back of the greenhouse. Stop near the barn door where you see the “CSA Pickup” sign. We will bring your share to you at your car. If you have settlervore and/or meat and salmon shares we will bring these to you also.

SUMMER ON-FARM PICKUPS: During the Spring and Winter seasons we pre-bag all shares, but during the summer season we offer a “bag your own” style pickup on Mondays. This format offers you some choice, as we often set out crops in groups (such as carrots, beets, potatoes) and you can mix and match which items you like up to a given volume. The Wednesday pickup at the farm is a pre-bagged style for those that prefer the convenience of grab-and-go. All off-farm pickup locations have pre-bagged shares during the summer.

2. What if I miss my pickup? 

If you know you are going to miss your CSA pickup you have four options:

1.  SEND A FRIEND: You can send someone to pick up your share for you - no need to notify us ahead of time.  

2. DONATE TO FOODSHELF: You can notify us and request to have your share donated.  We donate product regulary to the Vermont Food Bank and the Jericho, Richmond, and South Burlington foodshelves, so we can find a good use for your share.

3.  SWITCH FROM OFF-FARM to ON-FARM PICKUP: You can notify us at least 2 days before your pickup day and switch for a given week to the Jericho Farmstand pickup on Mondays. This is intended to be an infrequent switching option to help you resolve a schedule conflict.  Please do not request to switch your pickup location on a weekly basis. (During the summer on-farm pickup members can switch from Monday to Wednesday or vice versa with advance notice.)

4. DON’T PICK UP and MAKE UP SHARE LATER at FARMSTAND: You can notify us at least 2 days before your pickup day and pick up your share(s) at our farmstand later that week or the next (farmstand open daily 8am to 6pm).   If you do not notify us ahead of time and we pack and deliver your share to your pickup location (including shares packed for on-farm pickup) we are not able to offer you another share for later pickup, as we have already prepped and delivered the product for you. Pickup site hosts are not obligated to hold your shares beyond your scheduled pickup day and time. Please respect their space and pick up as scheduled.  

If you do notify us ahead of time here's how a MAKE UP SHARE at the Jericho Farmstand works:

Missed Vegetable shares:  Stop by the farmstand later that week or the following week for a "pick card" that lists a share of veggies you can pick up from the farmstand displays.  You may only use this pick card system if you notified us before your pickup day that you are not picking up your share during your scheduled time and thus we do not pack a share for you. The "pick card" is located on a small clipboard hanging on the checkout counter in the farmstand, and the card will be labeled with your name on it.  All MAKE UP vegetable shares must be picked up by the last scheduled pickup week of the season.

Missed Settlervore, Meat Medley and Salmon shares: If you have notified us you are missing your regularly scheduled pickup time we will make your prebagged shares available for pickup at our farmstand up until 6pm the Friday after your scheduled pickup day.  After that time if you have not picked up your share we will move meat shares to longer-term storage in our freezers and will make your meat share available to you on the next month's regularly scheduled meat pickup date. We will donate unclaimed settlervore shares as most items are perishable and will not hold. 

Thank you for your understanding regarding our pickup policies. We aim to make it as flexible as we can for you without it becoming a logistical impossibility for us. We commit to having your share ready for you and ask that you commit to picking it up as scheduled. 


3. Can I switch Pickup Locations? 

We require that you choose one pickup location for the entire season.  Please do not request to switch pickup locations from week to week, as logistically we cannot track this.  However, you can make an occasional pickup location switch to the on-farm pickup as described in option 3 above.  If you have a permanent schedule change that requires switching to a new pickup location for the remainder of the season please contact us and we will make it happen.


4. What is in the share?

We send you an email reminder on the Friday or Saturday prior to each pickup letting you know what's in your share that week. Occasionally we do make substitutions. Detailed information about expected share volumes is available here: View Sample Shares >


6. Do I save money with the CSA share?

Yes, we structure our shares so that you save at least 10% off retail prices.  In most years members receive 20 to 30% off retail market prices.  This means that even if you miss one pickup during the winter or spring season or two pickups during the summer season you are still getting more than you paid for by being a member of Jericho Settlers Farm CSA.