Settlers Meat Medley — Jericho Settlers Farm, Inc.

Settlers Meat Medley

Price: $290 (small), $540 (large) for 4 months

A monthly distribution of premium meats: pasture-raised pork from Pigasus Meats, 100% grassfed beef from Health Hero Farm, and pasture-raised chicken from Maple Wind Farm. Each pickup includes 5 lbs. (on average) of a mix of cuts ranging from steaks and chops to burger, ribs and roasts. The large share includes an additional 5 lbs. of grassfed hamburger, ground pork, or pork sausage at each pickup. A small share totals 20 lbs. per season and a large share totals 40 lbs. per season (a season is 4 months long). NO antibiotics and NO growth hormones are used in the animals feed. The beef are 100% grassfed and finished. The pigs and chickens are also raised on pasture with access to Non-GMO grain. We consistently get rave reviews from our customers about the quality and flavor of these meats - you won't be disappointed!  Also check out our Salmon Share for more healthy eating!

Program Details:

We offer three 4-month shares per year to coordinate with our CSA program: 

  • Spring: March - June (4 months)

  • Summer: July - October (4 months)

  • Winter: November - February (4 months)

Pickups are once per month. Details on pickup locations are listed under the Vegetable CSA pages for each season.

Spring 2025 pickup dates are: 
Mondays: 3/10, 4/7, 5/5, 6/2 Tuesdays: 3/11, 4/8, 5/6, 6/3 Wednesdays: 3/12, 4/9, 5/7, 6/4

Summer 2025 pickup dates are: 

Mondays: 7/7, 8/4, 9/1, 10/6 Tuesdays: 7/8, 8/5, 9/2, 10/7 Wednesdays: 7/9, 8/6, 9/3, 10/8

Winter 2025/2026 pickup dates are:           Mondays: 11/3, 12/1, 1/5, 2/2
Tuesdays: 11/4, 12/2, 1/6, 2/3            Wednesdays: 11/5, 12/3, 1/7, 2/4

What's In A Share?

Small Share Example Pickup 1:
4.5 lb. pasture raised chicken, .75 lb. nitrate-free bacon

Small Share Example Pickup 2:
2 lbs. pork chops, 1 lb. pork link sausage, 1 lb. 100% grassfed hamburger

The large share includes all the same cuts as the small share plus an additional 5 lbs. of grassfed hamburger, ground pork, or pork sausage at each pickup. 

Order Now!

Settlers Meat Medley
from $290.00

If you prefer to pay offline, please print and mail this order form.