Salmon CSA Share — Jericho Settlers Farm, Inc.

Wild Alaskan Salmon CSA

Share Price: $116 (small), $232 (large) for 4 months 

We partner with Anthony Naples of Starbird Fish to bring you the best salmon in the world, and this is no overstatement! Based in Burlington, VT, Captain Tony spends a portion of each year commercial fishing in the pristine waters off the coast of Alaska, from the far northern reaches of the Bering Sea, to Bristol Bay, and the Aleutian Islands. The wild salmon fisheries of Alaska are some of the last remaining sustainably managed wild salmon on the Earth. The dark red color of the meat attests to the natural diet of these wild Alaskan salmon. Choose from small share (1 lb. per month) or large share (2 lbs. per month) for a 4 month season.  Details below.

Purchasing Options

We only offer salmon shares to our CSA members because supplies are limited. This is the best salmon on the market and it always sells out. This is a rare opportunity to purchase directly from the fisherman, and by partnering with Tony we are able to secure this premium salmon for you each year. Pickups dates coincide with our Meat Medley  pickups. 

  1. Small Share ($116)
    Two 8 oz. portions (1 lb.) of coho or sockeye salmon per month for 4 months

  2. Large Share ($232)
    Three or four 8-11 oz. portions (2 lbs) of coho or sockeye per month for 4 months

Other details:
The salmon in your share are caught by Tony or a boat in his fleet. Once caught the salmon is chilled immediately and processed within 24 hours and frozen. Tony’s catch is then shipped frozen via Seattle, then Boston, where he picks it up from a frozen storage facility. Tony then stores the frozen salmon in Williston, awaiting delivery to you!

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