UBORKA SALATA (U-bor-ka sha-lah-ta)

Peel and slice 2 cucumbers paper thin, so they are limp, use a veggie slicer or mandolin on the thinnest setting.
Place sliced cucumbers in a shallow dish in an even layer.
Pour Hungarian dressing over and marinate at least one hour, but for best flavor marinate overnight.
Sprinkle with a handful of chopped dill.
Salt and pepper to taste.
I love to add some paprika as well, just because I am Hungarian and that's what we do.

1/2 cup vinegar ( I use apple cider vinegar)
1/2 cup water
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
dash of black pepper

Blend all ingredients together and pour over cucumbers, the longer they sit, the better they taste.
For a variation, you may add thin sliced sweet onions and marinate with the cucumbers.


